The Low Down

Elizabeth McCravy is committed to bringing entrepreneurs strategic and creative website templates that highlight their value, streamline the creative process, and enhance business growth. With a growing business and a growing family, Elizabeth needed systems that could support her ever-expanding business as well as allow her to step back from the daily operational tasks. Together, we built systems that allow her to step back into her role as the CEO visionary and as a mom!

Our goal in building out ClickUp for Elizabeth was to streamline and consolidate her internal operations. This included leaning out her tech stack and consolidating processes, data storage, and workflows within ClickUp. This allows her team to fluidly collaborate on programs, templates, and coaching projects all in one place. On top of that, we optimized the workflows for each of her major services and programs. This systemization has enabled Elizabeth to be present at home while expanding the business’s capacity for new clients.




About Elizabeth McCravy

Elizabeth McCravy believes that smart strategy combined with plenty of personality leads to a thriving business. As a web designer, podcast host, and business coach, she spends her days designing gorgeous, strategic website templates from her home in Nashville and shares all her business strategy tips and tricks on her show – the Breakthrough Brand Podcast. 

She’s helped over 700 business owners highlight their value and show off their skills through her library of beautifully designed and easily customizable website templates, and she’s on a mission to help every entrepreneur create a strategic, personality-filled website. 

Elizabeth is a Showit Top Designer and a go-to resource for the online business community. When she’s not teaching or designing, you can find her bingeing Law and Order: SVU, putting her certified yoga-teacher skills to work, or nose-deep in the latest mystery novel.


Seamless Program + Product Management

Elizabeth and her team offer a robust collection of services, products, and programs to help entrepreneurs bring personality and quality to their websites. With so many moving parts, they knew it was essential to have a platform that could not only consolidate these moving pieces but also support the growth of each of their distinct offers. 

By introducing ClickUp as the central tool for Elizabeth’s program and product management, we created streamlined workflows for each of her offers. Now, they can manage coaching calls, content creation, and program management efficiently from one platform. 

Taking things a step further, we also focused on creating systems for future business growth and continued improvements to their programs and services. So we built out an optimized process for them to systemize updates to their offers. With ClickUp, adding new modules to their program, creating new templates for their shop, and onboarding new coaching clients has never been easier!


Optimized Internal Operations

Prior to working with us, Elizabeth and her team were using a lot of platforms to manage their business. Although they had detailed operational processes built out, they were divided among multiple different platforms. This made it difficult to have a cohesive and collaborative unit for running their business.

Using ClickUp’s wide capabilities and features, we were able to completely eliminate some of the platforms Elizabeth and her team were using. We turned ClickUp into their one-stop centralized hub where they are able to store, manage, edit, and communicate about all aspects of their business.

This consolidation saves Elizabeth and her team precious time. They no longer need to bounce between platforms to complete a single process. They now allocate that time towards enhancing their offers and future business growth! On top of that, their lean tech stack allows Elizabeth to save money that she can invest in other areas of her business.


The Results

Since working with us, Elizabeth and her team have been able to streamline their workflows, consolidate their platforms, and optimize their backend operations. Elizabeth comments, “I’ve seen growth in my business, I’ve felt more clarity around work, and able to track things better. It’s amazing.”

Elizabeth has also been able to take many tasks off her plate and refocus on her priorities. One of which is spending more time at home with her growing family! She states, “I feel more at peace and I don’t work a full 40 hours a week…the systems y’all set up have helped me to be able to be more efficient and effective when I am working and my team too.”

This optimization has also allowed them to onboard more team members and clients. Elizabeth says, “It wasn’t just setting up, it was helping me think through ways to improve my business. Ways to improve my systems and operations. Thinking through holes and ways to make things better.”

Elizabeth explains, “When you guys set up stuff, I was able to learn ClickUp. I create my own list and systems in there all the time now. I feel very empowered to use it myself and that came through the trainings you gave me.”

Overall, ClickUp gives Elizabeth time to expand her business while prioritizing work-life balance. This is thanks to a solid foundation of internal management systems and optimized workflows. Now they are ready to support her through all stages of her life and business! 


Are You Ready To Streamline Your Systems? If you’re ready to see these kinds of results, apply for our ClickUp Setup service today!

Apply For Our ClickUp Setup Service Today!



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Check Out The Breakthrough Brand Podcast Hosted By Elizabeth



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How ClickUp Empowers Elizabeth’s Work-Life Balance While Amplifying Business Growth

July 5, 2023
