ClickUp Case Study With Small Business Advisors, Alisha & Maurice Pennington

Check Out What Alisha and Maurice Had To Say About Working With SystemsUp!

The Low Down

Alisha & Maurice Pennington are a husband/wife duo and small business advisors providing entrepreneurs with the support and strategy needed to launch and scale service-based businesses. Their mission is to cultivate a mindset focused on building the foundations of a sustainable business, by developing simple repeatable processes.

Our goal in building out ClickUp for Alisha and Maurice was to create an efficient workspace that would allow them to continue to scale their business and accommodate incoming clients. We focused on creating a place where they could have team collaboration + transparency by having every piece of the business organized in one place and visible at a glance.



About Alisha and Maurice Pennington

Alisha is a female founder and business mentor. She’s got a background in sports medicine and athletic training, but has always been someone who likes to create her own opportunities.

Alisha owns ATvantage Athletic Training, a sports medicine staffing company, and ATvantage Academy, an education platform. She’s a rebel at heart and with the support of her husband, Maurice, they continue to build their dream life of freedom and flexibility.

Maurice is an entrepreneur and small business consultant. He comes from a tech background and possesses a meticulous nature. Maurice leverages those tools to take grand visions and identify the small details to help entrepreneurs efficiently execute.

This is why he refers to himself as a “Leading Man in a Supporting Role.” He likes to get others to think about their “why”, because your why keeps you grounded during success and turbulence.


Check Out What Maurice Had To Say About Working With SystemsUp


Streamlined Client Management

Prior to working with us, Alisha and Maurice were struggling to find a software that could meet the needs of their growing business and their clients. This made it difficult to scale their business and provide clients with a space where they could see a breakdown of their tasks and understand the timeline for their deliverables.

Of their struggle to find the project management tool that fit the needs of their increasing pool of clientele, Alisha says, “You can’t afford to not focus on the back end. There’s only so much you can do front of house when back of house can’t keep up.” 

With this in mind, we focused on creating a space where clients could see their project, their tasks, their timeline, and their deliverables all in one organized workplace. We built a space where they are able to instantly understand the status of their project and the action items that are currently in play moving it forward.

Within this setup, Alisha and Maurice are able to chat with clients directly in their workspace, they can communicate through a general chat channel, or through individual tasks and action items to keep information organized and consolidated.

This setup cut out the need for overly frequent ‘update’ calls because the information remained centralized and neat. Allowing clients to quickly and easily understand the status of their project. 


Consolidated Team Management 

Before working with SystemsUp, Alisha and Maurice found it difficult to keep track of their team’s responsibilities, project progress, KPIs, and information storage location. This made it challenging for the team to understand the progress and timelines for their internal projects.

As a solution to these obstacles, we focused on creating internal systems and processes that would allow Alisha and Maurice to easily view what their team is working on and where they are currently at with that project. These systems include a template for recurring tasks, an out-of-office time tracker, and a KPI dashboard.

These elements allow the team to stay up to date on each other’s internal projects (even when someone is out of the office) and help Alisha and Maurice give their team a more structured way to approach personal and team growth.

The Results

Since their ClickUp setup, Alisha and Maurice have been able to scale their internal team and their clientele list. Their new systems have allowed them to sustain and nourish this internal and external growth.

With ClickUp, they were able to recruit, hire, and onboard a new team member in a new capacity. They were able to clearly define the new hire’s tasks and expectations. Building the role from the ground up no longer seemed unorganized and intimidating, but instead, manageable and efficient.

Another way their ClickUp setup has positively impacted their business is through their new capacity to get granular with data and information. For example, when looking at their client pipeline, they are able to look at the pipeline as a whole, or create a variety of views that allow them to look at segmented portions of the data. 

Of this feature, Alisha says, “I think what’s so beautiful about ClickUp in comparison to other systems and specifically the way you guys built it for us, is that we can change the views however we want.”

In addition to this feature, ClickUp allows them consolidated historical data on everything. When looking at the information for a client, all chats, notes, emails, etc. pertaining to that client are stored in one place. This eliminates the need to go searching for information and saves every team member valuable time.

Lastly, working through ClickUp has made an incredible impact on their team. Alisha and Maurice have received great feedback from team members about how ClickUp is much easier and more efficient than their previous software.

On top of that, the organization of the KPI tracker, project notes and client dashboards allows Alisha and Maurice to see just how much ClickUp has improved their team’s productivity. Maurice says ClickUp, “Is having an impact on everyone’s efficiency.”

Overall, Alisha and Maurice conclude that their ClickUp setup has given them the organizational tools and processes they need to continue to scale their business internally and externally. Maurice says, “Being able to have one ecosystem where all this activity can exist and I can pop into one area and see all the work that she has done or a contractor has done and get up to date right there as opposed to having to meet with them and figure out what happened.”

Are You Ready To Streamline Your Systems? If you’re ready to see these kinds of results, apply for our ClickUp Setup service today!

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ClickUp Case Study With Small Business Advisors, Alisha & Maurice Pennington

September 28, 2022
