In the bustling world of real estate, success hinges on efficiency, organization, and the ability to juggle multiple clients and listings seamlessly.

That's exactly why we've created RealtyUp: The Realtor Efficiency Suite by SystemsUp®. Tailored for the ambitious realtor, this suite empowers you to elevate your client relationships, optimize your listings management, and boost your sales—all while saving you precious time.

Embrace the potential to expand your reach, improve client satisfaction, and achieve sustainable business growth, all within one integrated platform. Our ClickUp suite is more than just a tool—it's a transformative ally in your journey to becoming more efficient, impactful, and successful.

Product Overview

get all the details of what's inside each lesson to propel your growth with clickup.


Our Client Relationship Manager is more than just a database—it's the cornerstone of personalized service. Track every interaction, understand client preferences, and maintain a comprehensive history all in one place.

With our system, scattered notes and lost details are a thing of the past. Prepare to deliver a client experience that sets you apart.

Lesson 1: 👥 Client Relationship Management


  • Video Walkthrough For Creating A ClickUp Dashboard To Collect Lead Pipeline Analytics
  • Video Walkthrough Of All Processes Included
  • Video Walkthrough Of Zapier Automations
  • Video Walkthrough Of ClickUp & Twilio Integration

  • Sellers Lead + Client Pipeline
  • Buyers Lead + Client Pipeline
  • Sellers Lead Intake Form
  • Buyers Lead Intake Form
  • Automated Process For Lead + Client Pipeline
  • Templates For Automating Form Platforms To ClickUp With Zapier

Manage your listings with unparalleled ease. Our Listing Management System provides a robust framework to track everything from initial details to the final offers.

Whether you’re juggling multiple listings or focusing on a select few, our system ensures you stay organized and proactive, never missing a beat.

Lesson 2: 🏡 Property Listing Management System

  • Video Walkthrough For Creating A ClickUp Dashboard To Visualize Property Database Analytics
  • Video Walkthrough Of All Processes Included
  • Video Walkthrough Of Zapier Automations

  • Property Database Pipeline
  • Property Listing Intake Form
  • Active Listing Client Project Management Process
  • Active Buying Client Project Management Process
  • Client Notes & Information Documents


Gathering client information doesn’t have to be a chore or a clutter of paperwork. Our dual-purpose Client Forms revolutionize how you capture essential details, whether you’re dealing with sellers listing their properties or assisting buyers in finding their dream homes.

Streamline how you gather and store important client information, making every transaction smoother and faster.

Lesson 3:  📄 Client Forms Management


  • Client Listing Form
  • Client Buying Form
  • Automations For Streamlining Form Intake & Review Process
  • Templates For Automating Form Platforms To ClickUp With Zapier

  • Video Walkthrough Of All Processes Included
  • Video Walkthrough Of Zapier Automations

Open houses are pivotal in real estate marketing, serving as a critical moment where potential buyers connect with properties.

Our Innovative Open House Planner and Feedback Collection system not only simplifies the logistics of organizing these events but also turns every open house into a valuable data-gathering opportunity.

Lesson 4: 🏠 Open House Management

  • Video Walkthrough For Creating A ClickUp Dashboard To Visualize Attendee Feedback Analytics
  • Video Walkthrough Of All Processes Included

  • Open House Task Management Process
  • Attendee Feedback Form
  • Open House File Management & Storage
  • Vendor Database
  • Vendor Information Collection Form


Lose the stress of managing multiple transactions with our intuitive Transaction Coordination system. Keep vital documents and deadlines in check, and ensure you’re always ahead of the game.

Our tools help you manage the client journey with precision, from initial consultation to closing.

Lesson 5:  🗃️ Transaction Coordination


  • Contacts Database
  • Transaction Coordination Task Management
  • Dates Tracking System
  • Transaction Coordination File Management & Storage
  • Client-Facing List For Public Sharing

  • Video Walkthrough Of ClickUp Dependencies Feature
  • Video Walkthrough Of All Processes Included

Centralize agent details and manage essential operational details with ease.

Our Agency Database and Internal Management system provides quick access to all the information you need, streamlining operations and enhancing communication within your team.

Lesson 6: 👥 Agency Database

  • Agency Database & Informational System
  • Passwords Manager
  • Platform Tracker Database
  • Agent Continued Education & License Management
  • Video Walkthrough Of All Processes Included


RealtyUp is not just about managing the present; it's also about planning for the future. This product allows for seamless scalability, ensuring that as your business grows, your operational backbone grows with it—efficiently and effectively. 

With our suite, scaling up doesn’t just mean adding more clients—it means amplifying your ability to expand, adapt, and thrive in a competitive market.

Realtors Ready to Scale with ClickUp

RealtyUp offers advanced tools for managing complex operations and automating routine tasks, freeing you to focus on strategic growth and innovation.

This isn't about managing your business—it’s about expanding it, giving you the insights needed to make informed decisions and capture new opportunities.


From maintaining a meticulous database of client interactions to managing multiple property listings with ease, RealtyUp ensures that realtors can offer personalized, impeccable service.

If you're a realtor who prides themselves on precision and efficiency, RealtyUp is your tool to staying organized and ahead of the competition.

Realtors & Real Estate
Business Owners

Is RealtyUp right for you?

RealtyUp Wins



Enhanced Productivity: RealtyUp maximizes your productivity by streamlining critical yet time-consuming tasks. By centralizing your operations in one platform, you eliminate the need to switch between different software, saving time and reducing cognitive load. 

Increased Client Satisfaction: By using RealtyUp, you provide a smoother, more responsive service that naturally leads to higher client satisfaction. The platform's comprehensive systems allow you to keep detailed records of each client, enabling personalized service at every touchpoint.

Strategic Growth Planning: RealtyUp equips you with the tools necessary for strategic decision-making. This product empowers your decision-making with actionable insights from ClickUp’s data visualization and analytics, driving your business with clarity and precision.

Scalability: RealtyUp is designed to scale seamlessly alongside your business, accommodating an increasing number of transactions, clients, and data without sacrificing performance or user experience. New users can be easily added, and additional features can be integrated without disrupting existing operations. 

Frequently Asked Questions

Due the digital nature of our products, we are unable to offer refunds for any product purchases.

Is there a refund policy if I decide the product isn’t right for me?

Yes! Whether you have never used the platform, are a ClickUp pro, or somewhere in between, this product can be customized to be as simple or complex as you want.

I've never used ClickUp before, will these work for me?

Absolutely! You will be able to add members to your ClickUp account to share the ClickUp templates with them.

Can I share the ClickUp templates across my team?