Today we are talking about leveraging your LinkedIn with Lindsay Mitrosilis. Lindsay is a LinkedIn agency owner and lead strategist. Her goal is to help impact-driven business owners add LinkedIn to their marketing and lead generation toolbox so they can win more business by reaching new audiences and connecting with ideal clients.




Meet Lindsay Mitrosilis

Lindsay Mitrosilis is a LinkedIn agency owner and lead strategist for impact-driven entrepreneurs, executives, and leaders looking to leave a legacy that inspires others. She helps these individuals add LinkedIn to their marketing and lead generation toolbox so that they can achieve their business goals around brand awareness, sales, retention, and recruiting. Her goal is to help you win by leveraging the most powerful business platform out there…LinkedIn!


What are the benefits of promoting your business on LinkedIn as opposed to other more mainstream social media platforms?

Lindsay starts by sharing that the audience on LinkedIn is the highest-paying web audience out there. The average income there is 70k per year or more! She continues by saying that, as a business owner, this means you have access to higher-paying audiences and more qualified leads. 

Adding to this, she states that the conversations you will have on this platform are different because it is a different mindset. It was created for the purpose of having a site where professionals could interact, collaborate, and network. Because of this, the attitude maintains a professional environment and therefore people are more willing to have more targeted conversations around business.

Lindsay points out that you still have to make connections before making your sales pitch as you would on any platform, but people, in general, are much more willing to have those business conversations than they are on more mainstream platforms like Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, etc. This is partly due to the fact that this type of outreach has become highly oversaturated on standard social media sites.


How does LinkedIn help businesses reach new audiences?

Lindsay begins with this staggering statistic: LinkedIn in and of itself is a new audience. 30% of LinkedIn users aren’t on Instagram.

She elaborates on this metric by saying that people are generally looking for some form of social media and professional outreach platform other than Instagram as audiences become more and more burnout with mainstream social media platforms.

 However, Lindsay makes a point to include that Instagram is a vital part of the social media hierarchy and will never go away. This makes it a great place to start if you are new to the social business sphere and are still experimenting with your public brand image. 


What features on LinkedIn should business owners utilize in order to be successful on LinkedIn?

To answer this question, Lindsay shares the top 3 things you can be doing on LinkedIn to ensure your profile stays professional and informative for LinkedIn audiences!

#1: Optimize Your Profile

Lindsay elaborates on this by saying that the worst thing you can do is not touch your profile. She highlights the importance of doing the basics such as updating your profile picture and banner, writing a good intro about yourself, and putting in your background information. These simple things give your profile a professional and up-to-date look.

#2: Posting Content

Lindsay explains that posting content will help audiences see you as the go-to expert for the thing that you do. Creating targeted and informative content shows profile viewers and followers that you know what you are talking about.

She points out that this also includes sharing your opinions about things in your industry (not just sharing posts from other people, but your own opinions). This sets you apart as s thought leader in your field.

#3: Engaging In Building Relationships

Lindsay says her number one recommendation for this step is for business owners to personally be the ones running their LinkedIn accounts and making these connections. 

She recognizes that this may not always be plausible because of limited bandwidth, but even dedicating just a small block of time each week to LinkedIn networking is more likely to lead to the development of deeper and more personal relationships that are more likely to yield future benefits for your business. 

Lindsay concludes by saying that the key to leveraging your LinkedIn is networking and fostering these relationships and then seeing what happens. These connections open so many doors in the future that you may not have had access to otherwise. She finishes by saying there are a million different directions your relationships and your network can take you on LinkedIn.


What are some things people can do to prep their business to be marketed on LinkedIn?

First, Lindsay says you must decide what your goals are. You can ask yourself these questions: What do I want to do on the platform? Do I want to find more leads? Do I want to network? Make sales? Have people sign up for my newsletter? etc.

Next, she says you need to frame and restructure your content for the audience on LinkedIn. Lindsay mentions that most people on LinkedIn are not interested in reels or other Instagram-like content because they know they can go to Instagram for that. They want more educational and informational content. 

Following this, you will want to make your content even more specific by catering it to the audience that you are trying to build.

In summary, Lindsay states that when you step outside of your bubble/echo chamber on Instagram (or another social media platform), you will see that there is a whole other world out there that you can market to and connect with that is a relevant audience for your business. 


What are some of the things you see people struggle with on LinkedIn and what are the steps they can take to avoid those mishaps? 

To start, Lindsay states that one of the most common mistakes she sees is business owners ‘coming in hot’ with sales pitches, without taking the time to build an audience. She emphasizes that, when it comes down to it, building your audience is your answer. 

She continues by saying that most people are unwilling to dedicate the time to develop and commit to building their audience long-term. Committing to long-term audience development allows them time to build trust with you so that when you drop a service or a product, they are more open to it.

Lindsay then reaffirms a previous point by saying business owners need to take the time to establish themselves as a thought leader in their industry. This gives viewers the chance to warm up to them and trust them as a viable source of expertise. It is no different than showing up on Instagram, or any other social media platform, for the first time.


How can businesses keep their brand image consistent and still reach a relevant audience on a platform that has the reputation for being more corporate?

Lindsay begins by saying that the misconception that LinkedIn is only an environment for corporate professionals, is false. LinkedIn is for everyone. She continues by saying that nothing about your branding or your voice needs to change when it comes to using LinkedIn as a platform for your business.

She recognizes that while there are corporate business professionals on LinkedIn, the most important thing to remember when showing up on LinkedIn is to know your audience! You have the power to choose the audience you want to cater to and create content targeted to them. As long as you do this, it doesn’t matter who else is on the platform. She summarizes this point by saying, “You just have to read the room! Read the audience!”

She concludes by saying that, as business owners, we have a mental image of what we think we need to show up like on LinkedIn: perfect, corporate, and formal. But, in reality, if we shift our perspective to that of an audience spectator, what we would want to see from business owners is completely different. We would want them to be authentic and true to themselves.

The best way to leverage your LinkedIn is to be true to yourself and your brand. This will allow you to get back to the root of authenticity and community in business. 


If you’re ready to start leveraging your LinkedIn, connect with Lindsay Mitrosilis by checking out the links below!




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Leveraging Your LinkedIn With Lindsay Mitrosilis

February 1, 2023

conditional logic
